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Joe Biden's Presidential Campaign

As a political nerd, getting to work on a presidential campaign was not only fascinating and rewarding, but it came with an added bonus that's rare in advertising - feeling virtuous about the work I was doing. 


Starting in the summer of 2020, we worked with various Pro-Biden PACs (political action committees) to support the Biden campaign. We churned out dozens of digital ads each week in the months leading up to the election. Here's a small sample of em. 

Fun fact: while our ads covered a range of topics and ran throughout multiple swing states, our work largely targeted Florida. Clearly Donald was upset by them, so much so, he took to Twitter.  

Trump Angry Tweet.png
In His Own World
All About Jobs
Keep America Safe
Florida Out Of Home

Agency: Hawkfish

Creative Director: Isabelle Raphael

ACD/Writer: Andrew Niemira

Graphics/VFX: Pedro Andrade


Executive Producers: Margaux Ravis, Martin Babitz, Stephen MacDonald & Katie Walmsley

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